Self-Advocate – Seeam Ul Karim

I extend greetings of peace (Assalamu Alaikum).

My name is Seeam-Ul-Karim, and I am addressing you today at the autism awareness program ‘Uttaran’. I have autism, but I do not consider it a weakness. Today, I stand before you as a self-advocate to represent myself and others who are like me.

Distinguished Chief Guest of today’s event, Dr. Dipu Moni, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Education Esteemed Special Guest Mr. KM Khalek, Minister of State, Ministry of Culture Respected Senior Secretary, Mr. Zuena Aziz, Ministry of Social Welfare Dear friends and esteemed guests, Thank you all for gracing us with your presence at this event today.

I did not choose to have autism, yet I must endure its consequences due to society’s struggles with acceptance. Many people often comment that I am quite articulate and capable of managing my own tasks. I am able to travel and hold a job, but this doesn’t imply that my autism has improved. Just two months ago, I was asked to leave the gym at Bangladesh Club because they couldn’t accommodate me properly. The underlying issue is their lack of willingness and mindset to handle my repetitive behaviours.
I encounter such challenges everywhere. Autism traits persist throughout life, but if there are a few adjustments in mindset and openness from everyone, our lives can be similar to anyone else’s.

Today, I stand before you after overcoming numerous obstacles. There was a time when I couldn’t speak, and then when I learned to speak, I struggled to express my feelings.

When other boys teased me in school, preventing me from using the toilet, messing with my bag and lunchbox, and turning my books upside down, I felt deeply hurt and angry, but I couldn’t express it. My school teacher barred me from entering the computer class for three months. I stood in front of the door silently, unsure of how to explain this to my mother. When I failed in school, my mother speaks with the teacher to find solutions and ensure I can attend classes. This is just one example among many similar situations.

To parents considering sending their children to school like me, I want to emphasize that education is not just about academics. There are many other factors that, if overlooked, can make it challenging for us to thrive and learn effectively.

Regarding my schooling experience, my mother took me to the school for admission at 30 schools. Despite managing to secure admission, I endured immense difficulties, insults, and neglect from the teachers throughout my time there. As a result, I hold no fondness for my former classmates and have no desire to reunite with them.

I have come to accept that I have autism and have extensively researched it online. In addition to autism, I also have ADHD, learning disability, stress disorder, sleeping problems, various sensory and motor skill issues, diabetes, and beta-thalassemia. I struggle with social communication difficulties, and I feel uncomfortable when someone mocks or laughs at me. I used to feel very angry and found it challenging to interact with people. However, I am gradually improving. I can now travel independently using public transportation like rickshaws, buses, and the Pathao app. I don’t rely as heavily on my mother’s assistance anymore. I am able to handle household chores, do some cooking, and manage shopping tasks. InshaAllah, I hope to achieve much more. I have put in a lot of effort to better myself. Please pray for my continued progress.

Despite facing obstacles, I completed my studies up to A.S-levels with the British Council. I also underwent training in Life Skills, Bakery, and Food Service at PFDA-Vocational Training Center. Currently, I am employed at the duty-free shop at the airport.

In the future, I aspire to learn computer programming. However, my mother found that there are limited opportunities available for individuals like us in this field. I urge you to consider initiating such training programs, as they would fulfill the dreams of many individuals like myself.

The kind of problems others like me face, not only problems in studies but also problems in commuting like bus not stopping on the road, one gets off while another gets on and CNG charges more, cheat, back talk and laugh. There is no place to sit in the bus, people sit on top of each other. It excites us.

Please treat us with the same respect as any other human being. Like my mother, I never gave up and always strived to do my best. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to my teachers who have supported me on this journey. In this speech, I’ve discussed a glimpse of our changing mindset, parents’ viewpoints, school and study challenges, and the daily life struggles we encounter. We ask for support from society and the government to ensure our safety and dignity in life. It is our fundamental right to be respected as human beings and to have equal opportunities like everyone else.

Thank you once again for your attention and support.