Welcome to PFDA-Vocational Training Center
PFDA-Vocational Training Center (PFDA-VTC) was founded in 2014 by Ms. Sajida Rahman Danny, Chairman of this organisation with aim to nurture, develop capacity of persons with special needs to mainstream them in the society and to live with dignity. This initiative also to ensure implementation of SDG Goals 4, 8, 10 and 11 where the rights of the persons with disabilities for inclusive and equitable quality education and promotion of life-long learning opportunities, sustainable economic growth, promoting the social, economic and political inclusion are ensured.


Life Skills

Social Communication

Interpersonal Skills

Leisure Skills

Pre-Vocational Training

Vocational Training

Therapeutic Support

Exercise and Sports

Cultural Areas
Awards & Achievement

Successful person with Autism

Successful Organization in Development of Autism
What makes us Special?
Bank Transfer: A/C Name: ‘PFDA-Vocational Training Center Trust’ A/C No : 3101829023001 Bank Name: City Bank Branch Name: Gulshan Branch,
The student is identified keeping in view the teaching process, preparation of teaching materials.
Exercise and Sports
In most of the cased children with neuro disabilities are idle and lethargic. They don’t want to work, event to their own requirements. As their food calories are not burnt they get physical irritation and gain weight.