Self Advocate- Hisham Islam

My name is Hisam Islam, and I’m 23 years old. During my school days, I found the experience quite lively. One thing I particularly enjoyed was the food. It wasn’t until fourth grade that I made a friend named Amlan. We would often play together during recess and chat during our free time. When I began staying at home, my parents provided tremendous support by establishing a daily routine for me. Initially, I would accompany my father to the park twice a day and join him for prayers at the mosque.

However, I now do these activities independently. Additionally, my brothers and sisters kindly purchase my favorite games for me. I receive a lot of advice encouraging high ambition, but I personally prefer a simpler lifestyle. Currently, I am undergoing vocational training at PFDA-Vocational Training Center. My goal is to pursue a career in the accounts department after completing my training. As part of my internship, I am currently working on Angel Chef’s POS system.

I believe the younger generation, including my siblings, often prioritize self-esteem and prestige. Personally, I aim to earn enough for my needs in the future. I value kindness towards others, diligently completing my tasks and assisting friends, including those who have difficulty speaking. Under the guidance of supervisors, I offer support to friends with communication challenges. My hope is that one day, both myself and my friends will secure meaningful employment opportunities.