Our Student's Success in Painting Competition on the Occasion of National Mourning Day 2023

Our Student’s Success in Painting Competition on the Occasion of National Mourning Day 2023

On 15th August 2023, NDD Surakkha Trust organized an art competition. From PFDA-VTC Trust 3 participants having neurodevelopment disorders participated in the competition. Among them TOUFIQUE YAMIN who has been suffering from cerebral palsy stood 3rd in position in spite of his neurological problems. Despite physical limitations, he displayed exceptional artistic skills that enthralled the attention of judges and audiences alike. His artwork was a poignant reflection on the significance of the day, paying homage to the memory of the nation’s revered leader. His achievement not only showcased his artistic prowess but served as an inspiring testament to the power of the human spirit to overcome adversity.

The event served as a reminder that creativity knows no bounds and that every person, regardless of their circumstances, has the potential to leave an indelible mark on society.