Country's First Self-Advocate Spoke on the 16th World Autism Awareness Day as a Self-Advocate

Country’s First Self-Advocate Spoke on the 16th World Autism Awareness Day as a Self-Advocate

16th World Autism Awareness Day was celebrated on 2 April 2023 at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre. Like past years this year also, Siyam Ul Karim, former student of PFDA-Vocational Training Center Trust, represented and spoke as a self-advocate on behalf of persons with autism.

He is the first person with autism in Bangladesh to represent and speak as a self-advocate at national and international levels. Worthwhile to note, Siyam made four presentations as a featured person in the training of trainers for autistic persons organized by NDD. Addressing the 16th World Autism Awareness Day, he highlighted that even today people with neurological disorders are discriminated against and disrespected by various levels of society. He also expressed his gratitude to the present government, Hon’ble Prime Minister and her daughter Saima Wazed Putul for their contribution for the overall welfare of the neuro-disabled persons. He also highlighted the need for technical training for people with neuro disabilities, emphasising on creating opportunities for inclusiveness in all spheres for the sustainable development of neuro-disabled persons.

The program was organized by the Ministry of Social Welfare. Minister for Social Welfare Mr. Nuruzzaman Ahmed, MP was present as chief guest. His Excellency President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina gave a separate message on the occasion of the day. In his message President Md. Abdul Hamid said, ‘If we want to build a prosperous Sonar Bangla, we must move towards development and progress with children and people who are at risk of disabilities. The collective efforts of all will further expand the path of mental development and rich life of all persons with disabilities, including those with autism. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in her message said ‘Children and adolescents with autism will also become an asset of the state if they are raised in a humane environment. For this, their potential needs to be identified and nurtured with proper care, education, training and love. We are determined to make Bangladesh a developed, prosperous and smart Bangladesh by 2041 with inclusion of everyone in the society’.